A 'Lizard in Society' Update

A word from your ever diligent Hopeful Herpetologist,

I doubt many people look at "The Lizard in Society" page more than once so you may not know that I continuously update it whenever I find/remember new content. So here's what's new, enjoy!

(I had no idea just how many lizards there were in this movie until i had to look at the cast list. 
4 lizards! I'm pretty sure that is the largest number of lizards in one movie I have ever seen).

Rango Vazquez Gutierrez, a strange pet chameleon who becomes stranded in
 the desert and uses his unique wit to survive. 
Same family of lizards as Pascal from Tangled 

Chameleon...so cool!

Beans Sanchez Hernandez, the equally strange

 desert iguana female counterpart in the movie Rango.
I have to say I did not know she was suppose to be a lizard until recently, I think the hair throws me off
A desert iguana, I have to say the coloring is similar to Beans. 

Waffles, another character in Rango, is a "Horny Toad," 
a general nickname for the desert horned lizard you may hear me talk about.
I have to confess, he looks a little insane in this picture.

The desert horned lizard or horned lizard if you prefer,
 the same lizard that's on my welcome post 

Bad Bill, one of the main villain's minions, is a gila monster.

A gila monster, the only venomous lizard native to the US, 
however it is so slow-moving and sluggish that it does not pose much of a threat to humans.
Look at that tongue! Beautiful colors too.

The Lion King

I don't know if this counts as a lizard in society but that's too bad 
because I feel amazing for actually remembering that there is a lizard in Lion King

This seems to be the most similar lizard, the Jackson's chameleon or three-horned chameleon.
Probably one of the the funkiest looking lizards I've ever come across 

FernGully: The Last Rainforest

Simply known as Goanna, the almost villain who wants to eat the 
main characters and actually has his own rather disturbing 
song about how much he wants eat them.
  Same species as Joanna the Goanna from The Rescuers Down Under

A goanna or monitor lizard. 
As you can see, they can be colorful but not quite as colorful as the FernGully version.

If you want to see the full list just check out "The Lizard in Society" page. And as a reminder, please feel free to write a comment or email me about anything you think would fit here and I will endeavor to add it in.


  1. Thanks for the reminder about this wonderful feature of your blog!

  2. kudos to remembering the Lion King lizard. Even though its such a small part of the movie I remember really enjoying it as a kid probably because of its feet.

    I have a suggestion for a lizard in society, remember Liz from Magic School Bus? Definitely a favorite childhood lizard.

    1. Thank you, chameleon feet are awesomely cool aren't they, almost like having an opposable thumbs. I do remember Liz, thanks for the reminder I'll be sure to add her to the list.

  3. I haven't seen Rango yet, but I might have to just for the lizards. My sister, cousins, and I used to have our dads catch us horny toads when we would go camping in southern Utah. They were adorable and such good pets for an afternoon!

    1. Oh I know, I worked with horny toads over the summer, which is in my next few posts, and they are so cute. Probably one of my favorite lizard. I was very surprised by how many lizards there were in Rango but I suppose that makes sense it is based in a desert after all. Anyway I would recommend Rango, I had a lot of fun watching it.

  4. I love Rango! It was really interesting to see what lizard those characters were supposed to be. Some of them totally made sense, but some others, the artistic license taken by the animators made them less recognizable.

    1. It is a good movie isn't it, I had fun watching it. For the most part the characters looked like lizards but it makes a lot more sense when the actual lizard is right next to it.
