To My Readers

Dear Readers,

Now that my blogging course is coming to an end I must decide what to do with this blog. Fortunately for you I chose a topic that I knew I would want to continue blogging about. There are precious few things I enjoy more than looking up pictures of lizards, learning more about them and seeing a new species for the first time. I won't make any promises about the speed of my updates but I can tell you that I plan to continue posting and I even have a list of future posts in mind.

This has been my first time venturing into the world of blogging and I have been pleasantly surprised. It's been hard finding the time and motivation to do the research and writing for the posts but I have enjoyed learning new things and developing my voice to reflect the craziness that is my mind and releasing into the unsuspecting world.

Anyway, with this plan to continue the blog I may need some help coming up with ideas for future posts, so I ask that you comment below about anything you think might make a good post or that I might enjoy knowing about,  it could be a cool animal, questions or clarifications about lizards, college, herpetology, my experiences, your experiences, pretty much everything is fair game. And in the spirit of sharing, I will show you what has made my rather awful day just a little bit better even though I am overloaded with studying that really needs to be done. Can't wait for this quarter to be over already...

I am not fond of spiders, I like to think that I'm made of sterner stuff but I will and have been know to shriek like a little girl when an overgrown spider finds it's way into my bathroom. I'm ashamed to admit it but just a few months ago as the mature, independent, 21 year old that I am, I made my daddy to get a spider out of the bathroom for was not one of my prouder moments. Anyway this video made me smile and from now on I will always hear this voice whenever I see a spider. Enjoy.

I've re-watched this about ten times and it never gets old.

-Your ever diligent Hopeful Herpetologist


  1. Hmmm...I don't have any suggestions yet, but I am glad you plan to continue your blog. Lizards are pretty darn neat animals and I'm glad you have a strong enough passion about them to write a blog with a lizard theme.

    P.S. that spider video gives me the creeps but is really funny

    1. awww, I thought he was adorable, definitely first time I've ever thought a spider was cute. I'm sure the lizards are glad for your compliment, maybe I'll enlighten people to the wonders of lizards one by one.

  2. Scratch, scratch, scratch! Hilarious video, Anne! I think your posts have had a consistently entertaining voice...even your sentence about developing it—"to reflect the craziness that is my mind and releasing into the unsuspecting world" shows it! For the future, I would enjoy hearing more about your own experiences and perhaps some other animals.

    1. I'm glad to hear that I'm entertaining I really want people to have fun with science because there are just so many cool things in the world. Ah yes, the personal experiences, well I suppose I could add some more stuff about myself...perhaps a post on all the lizard themed gifts I get from people. And I do have some lizard and non-lizard animal posts in mind so keep a look out for them.

  3. I can't think of any at the moment but I will definitely send some suggestions your way if I do. Its been really great interacting with you in the class blogosphere. Your love of lizards is infectious!

    1. *cue maniacal laughter* My plan for world domination through the indoctrination of innocents to the love of lizards has succeeded!!!!...thanks for your comment...

  4. Yeah, I've never thought of myself as a lizard enthusiast, but your blog always manages to get my interest. I love you combination of pictures, writing, and videos. I would second Molly's suggestion, but besides that, just keep doing what you're doing!

    1. Yes, animal and personal experience posts are to come, keep a weather eye on the horizon for them. I'm so glad the hear that my attempts to make biology fun have made some impact.

  5. I cannot get over how funny this is. Creepy and hilarious rolled into one. Silly spider.

    As far as other ideas, I believe it is time to post your opinions about shrikes-as-evil-lizard-killers so that I may refute them.

    1. is on! I will make you eat those words and get your sister to help me do it.

  6. I've really enjoyed learning more about lizards over the last quarter and I really hope to keep reading this blog, it's got a lot of great information in it.
    Are you planning for this to at some point be used as a sort of "Encyclopaedia Lizardia", with a search methods based on habitat, species, or something else?
    As far as future lizards to look at and talk about, I am a fan of the Gila Monster and the Frill-necked lizard (similar to the Dilophosaurus in Jurassic Park).
    On the subject of Dinosaurs… do you have plans to expand to these ancient lizard relatives? Or other reptiles like terrapins?
    Keep up the great blog!

    1. Lovely to hear that you've enjoyed it here. It would be pretty awesome to make an encyclopedia of lizards but I feel like there are just so many of them that it would take a lifetime to even write about half of them. So at the moment I'll just write about ones that peak my interest. Those two lizards are favorites of mine as well...but I should probably stop saying that because it seems to me like I say about all lizards so it kind of defeats the purpose. Anyway, if I do broaden my horizons to other reptiles and dinosaurs they will be in the Fun Biological Phenomena section. Lizards are after all my chief focus and other reptiles seem to be dull in comparison.

  7. Holy cats, I am laughing oh-so-hard right now! That was a fantastic video!
    I am super impressed with your lizards in society page. Sometimes, I try to figure out exactly what species is in this picture that I've taken, and there's no way I can do that on the internet. Give me a local species book, maybe. So the way that you take a still from a movie and reason out what's clues me in on how knowledgeable you are about lizards and such.
    Do you have any lizard-related classes or research going on now, or does that have to wait until grad school?

    1. That video was a work of genius. Thank you about my lizards in society stuff, I do try my best. In terms of lizard classes, you already know about the desert research trip which is all about lizard, and for the last two quarters I've been doing independent study on the data we got from this summer and previous years. At the moment I'm working on a poster about the movement of horned lizards in relation to ant and the availability of ants for them to eat. I'm applying to a few research facilities that are known for being used in herpetological studies, so hopefully I'll get some more lizard-related research under belt this summer.

  8. I'm glad to hear that you'll continue blogging Anne. As the others have said, you really managed to enlighten and entertain us!

    You do such a good job of finding great pictures and videos, I could see you doing short posts, like "lizard fact of the week," to keep your readers engaged between long posts.
